Man and woman jogging on a beach

Achieve peak
physical, cognitive,
and metabolic health.

If you have the aspiration of kicking butt when you're 85, you can't afford to be average when you're 50. PETER ATTIA, MD – AUTHOR “Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity”
Infinity symbol with the words Health and Fitness

LifePlus™ Individual Services

MSJ Longevity LifePlus™ has a curated list of individual services designed to empower your journey towards maximized wellness. Harness the power of your health data with select tests or schedule a consultation to customize a plan to reach your health goals.

Click on service below to book appointment.

DEXA Body Composition Testing Body composition testing utilizes dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry to accurately measure body fat, lean muscle mass, and bone density.
VO2 Testing The gold standard in lifespan measurement. Discover your aerobic fitness level and how efficiently your body uses oxygen.
DEXA + VO2 Testing Combine the benefits of
DEXA and VO2 Max tests

LifePlus™ Personalized Longevity Program

Join the health and wellness movement

The 4 week LifePlus™ Longevity program is designed to help participants build lifelong healthy habits known to correlate with improved healthspan and increased longevity. Exercise, diet, sleep and stress management are the pillars of wellness that rest upon the foundation of sleep – and LifePlus™ aims to not only improve the metrics of health, but to leverage and reinforce the relationships between healthy habits.

man doing pushups 1. MOVEMENT Improved range of motion, balance, and posture is crucial for healthy living, bolstering physical fitness and agility, and enhancing cardiovascular health.
healthy foods on a wooden table 2. Metabolism Learn your true "Zone 2" and "Fat Max" exercise intensities, which are pivotal in regulating energy expenditure and nutrient utilization. A balanced metabolism supports overall health and vitality.
closeup of man laying on the grass with his hands behind his head 3. Mindset Embracing an "all-cause vitality" mindset is essential for healthy living, self-care, and resilience.
Maximize Energy
Reduce Stress
Build Healthy Habits
Sharpen Your Mind
Improve Sleep
Optimize Body Comp

Director of Longevity and Human Performance

David Liotta, MA

David Liotta, MA

"Longevity is the ultimate creative process"

My diverse experiences – including 20 years of college-level teaching, practicing as a Mayo Clinic certified Health Coach and as an Exercise Physiologist on Apple’s employee health care team – have filled my toolkit with evidenced-based strategies to help optimize a happy and healthy life.